Sejumlah Negara Tiru Indonesia Terapkan Campuran Minyak Sawit dengan Solar
Selasa, 10 Desember 2019 | 16:35, Jakarta - Several countries mimic Indonesia's steps to reduce the use of fuel oil (BBM). The way to do this is to apply a mixture of 20 percent palm oil with diesel (B20).
Deputy for Food and Agriculture Coordination in the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Musdhalifah Machmud said that countries which are palm oil producers who will emulate Indonesia to implement the B20 program are Malaysia and Thailand.
"There are several oil-producing countries that have begun to emulate what Indonesia can do," Musdhalifah said, during the Merdeka Barat Forum (FMB) event at the Ministry of Information and Communication Office, Jakarta, Monday (9/12/2019).
According to him, the mandatory biodiesel program implemented by Indonesia has had an impact on the world. At this time, Indonesia is preparing to increase biodiesel and diesel blends to 30 percent.
"Actually, we have already generated biodiesel utilization throughout the world and several countries have asked for advice," he said.
He revealed, the success of the mandatory biodiesel program that was implemented in stages was the result of collaboration with all stakeholders, so that in its implementation there were no problems.
"So we collaborate like that in a proven way up to now there is not much problem," he said.
Previously, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that the amount of 20 percent biodiesel mixed with diesel fuel until September 2019 reached 4.49 million Kilo liters (KL).
Director of Bioenergy Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Andriah Feby Misnah said, from 6.6 million KL of biodiesel quota this year, which has been used 68 percent or 4.49 million KL.
"Until the end of September, there were 68 percent or 4.49 million KL," said Andriah, in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/08/2019).
Biodiesel quota of 20 percent biodiesel mixed with diesel this year was added in August 2019 from 6.2 million KL, to adjust the increase in consumption of diesel fuel.
The biosolar allocation will be channeled to the fuel distribution business entities, to be mixed with diesel before being sold to consumers, namely PT Pertamina (Persero) to 5.59 million KL and PT Exxonmobil Lubricant to 200,080 KL.
PT AKR Corporindo remains at 407,000 KL, PT Jasatama Petroindo 105,000 KL, PT Petro Andalan Nusantara 143,750 KL, PT Shell Indonesia 40,250 KL, PT Cosmic Indonesia 10,500 KL, and PT Cosmic Petroleum Nusantara 13,750 KL.
Next, the biodiesel ration of PT Energi Coal Prima 39,375 KL, PT Petro Energy 4,800 KL, PT Gasemas 44,950 KL, PT Jagad Energy 2,000, PT Petro Energi Samudera 750 KL, PT Baria Bulk Terminal 4,200 KL, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 1,200 KL , PT Mitra Andalan Batam 2,800 KL, PT Vivo Energy Indonesia 10 thousand KL, and PT Yavindo Sumber Persada 6 thousand Kl.