Gita lobby the U.S. to export oil level is not clear
Kamis, 28 Februari 2013 | 10:31

- Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan efforts to lobby the United States,
Chile and Canada in a bilateral meeting at the forum shows the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to include palm oil in the list
of products and services that are environmentally friendly is not
considered to assist exports of palm oil.
General of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) Joko Supriyono
Minister said the move will not help the performance of palm oil
companies in the export market.
The reason, he said, so far, the problem is not the Indonesian palm products environmentally friendly or not. However, problems arise on non-tariff issues encountered when Indonesian palm entry in the U.S. market.
think the effort struggles oil products so green product will only
affect the tariff, the tariff to zero. But for what non-tariff barriers
could be eliminated?" Joko said when contacted, Monday (22/4).
to him, during the political entrepreneurs still constrained oil trade
being played by the United States to detain imported products into the
country. Joko said the current greatest need for palm oil products in the U.S. is for biofuels.
Currently, the U.S. uses corn as the basis for making products such fuel. However, if oil gets in, the corn industry will be eroded because of oil imports will be cheaper than U.S. corn plantation.
"Go to the U.S. is expensive, because they compete with oil," he said.
product of crude palm oil or crude palm oil (CPO) from Indonesia has
not been recognized by the State of Uncle Sam as an environmentally
friendly product. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in a report in 2011 said that the Indonesian
CPO industry produces gas emissions more than 20 percent and this does
not fit with the world gas emission reduction commitments.
is also the main actor that drives many countries do not include CPO in
the list of 54 products that receive priority admission rates of 5 per
cent reduction in the APEC forum. As a result of oil products are not competitive compared to other vegetable oils.